"From the lab to the client" event

Seguridad Civil para la Sociedad

This event is the second in a series of interactive workshops around market uptake, standardisation and similar issues.

The overall purpose of this workshop is getting the Security of Explosives’ sector companies together to share their experiences related to turning their innovations into successful products. We will also have a discussion session focussed on innovation business models and which actions our regulators could undertake in order to make Europe more attractive for cutting edge companies. It shares a common ground with the previous EXERTER online webinar in the series, which focussed on standardization, but it covers the whole innovation loop from the inception of something new until it turns into a successful product in the market. It deals as well with our current business environment, where EU’s research and innovation programmes are meant to be a game changer by supporting industry and innovations to remain competitive in the current world stage.

The workshop will count with speakers from different European law enforcement bodies, SoE companies, academia and R&D centres among which we can mention PSNI (Ireland), DSTL (UK), FOI (Sweden), INTA (Spain), TNO (Nederland), CDTI (Spain), Rohde-Schwarz (Germany), ESRI (UK), TSD (Spain), EOS (Nederland), Iturri (Spain) and TEAM (Spain).

Your attendance is highly appreciated. The workshop requires pre-registration; you can register free of charge: Cisco Webex Meetings - Meeting Detail. See Annexes.


Eventos relacionados

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