Evento: Innovation Uptake of EU-funded Security Research outcomes

Le Bouche à Oreille, Rue Felix Hap 11, BE-1040 Brussels
Seguridad Civil para la Sociedad


While EU-funded security research has largely demonstrated its impact in terms of value creation and knowledge generation, some questions require more insight. There is insufficient hard-evidence on how this knowledge is transferred from the research arena to the market arena. Innovation uptake is not a single-step process that happens only at the end of a research project and is automatically enabled by a successful research result. Innovation uptake shall be contemplated as a long process that is conditioned, among other issues, by a number of enabling actions taken up before research is even planned and long after it is completed. 

For this reason, DG HOME launched a “Study on the Factors influencing the Uptake of EU-funded Security Research outcomes” to bring more light to those factors. In the event, the study team will present the final outcomes of the study and will also present findings on the factors that are enabling or hindering innovation uptake.

The aim of this event is to present the findings of the Study on the factors influencing innovation Uptake and discuss the challenges and the enabling actions of innovation uptake with the wider CERIS community. In addition, challenges and enabling actions to Innovation Uptake will be further discussed.

Registration for the event is obligatory and we would like to invite you to register in the following link: CERIS SSRI workshop: Presentation of the Innovation Uptake Study results - New Registration (eventscloud.com)


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