4th Annual Conference of the EXERTER Project: "Criminal use of explosives"

Seguridad Civil para la Sociedad

You can expect various presentations from stakeholders in the explosives security community, discussing and evaluating this year’s core subject “CRIMINAL USE OF EXPLOSIVES” from multiple perspectives like research projects, field experiences or the human factor aspect.

The conference will start with the presentation of the results of the EXERTER Year 4 National Workshops.

This will be followed by a representative of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, who will give a hazard assessment regarding the misuse of pyrotechnics. This contribution focuses on intentional misuse of pyrotechnic articles, which are for the EU-market CE-marked and tested according to an intended use as declared by the manufacturer. Specific properties of the articles and associated hazards in view of the intended use and - in comparison - the illegal use are presented. Moreover, the basic concepts of the conformity assessment procedures and selected standard requirements for the articles concerned are described.

The testing of Explosive Detection Dogs will be illuminated from a scientific point of view by the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, also member of the EXERTER consortium. The phlegmatization of TATP and HMTD with activated Charcoal as Training Aid for Explosive Detection Dogs will be the core topic of the presentation.

The head of the EOD of the Forensic Institute Zürich will present the technical aspects and contents regarding the modus operandi of recent attacks on ATMs.

This practical perspective from everyday police work is supplemented by the presentation of a manufacturer from Portugal, who is focused on ATM protection. It will be shown, how the criminals are organised, the evolution of ATM attacks will be contrasted with the evolution of ATM protection and the increasing attack violence. And it will be declared, how a single technology effectively responds to all types of attacks and how important an independent certificate with real tests is.

The project XClanLab (Application for mobile devices to identify a Clandestine Laboratory for homemade eXplosives) aims to develop a mobile application (app) for Android and IOS operated devices to empower first responders like members of the uniformed police or the rescue services, to recognise a bomb factory from items they see. The app, originally developed as part of FP7 project EXPEDIA, will be able to recognise typical chemicals as listed in the annexes of Regulation 98/2013, and equipment needed for the synthesis of HME as well as items that are in common use and could be deployed as explosives, like fertilizers or pyrotechnics, while taking pictures or videos from a scene that could be a clandestine lab.

The National Forensic Centre Linköping in cooperation with the National Bomb Data Centre will give an overview of the use of explosives in gang related crimes in Sweden.

Over more than a decade, experts and scientists from TNO, the Netherlands Forensic Institute and the University of Amsterdam have successfully collaborated to develop a forensic toolbox for chemical profiling and forensic attribution of energetic materials. In their presentation, a professor of the University of Amsterdam and a specialist from NFI, will illustrate this approach and its use in criminal investigations with the recent study into the chemical and isotopic profiling of the emerging home-made explosive erythritol tetra-nitrate (ETN).

The Conference will conclude with an outlook for the EXERTER year 5 scenario.

Pre-registration is required. You can register free of charge using one of the links below:

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