Horizonte Europa

En días pasados se han venido produciendo incidencias en el Funding & Tenders Portal para aquellas entidades que estaban en fase de preparación del grant agreement. Las incidencias afectaban a las declaraciones de la entidad sobre el Gender Equality Plan y sobre la condición de International European Research Organization.

Recientemente la Comisión Europea ha distribuido la siguiente información para solucionar dichas incidencias:

i) Issue concerning the Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

There was a mistake in the IT implementation of the eligibility criterion on gender equality plans (GEPs). They become obligatory only for calls with deadline after 1.1.2022.

Due to a technical issue, the check for existence of a GEP has been activated for all projects entering grant preparation in 2022  The issue is now corrected. In case your beneficiaries (from 2021 calls) still see  the error message ‘ gender plan missing’, they should re-apply the ‘validate’ button. In the unlikely event that the issue persists, they should contact the service desk.

ii) Organisation category ‘International European Research Organization (IERO)’

 The IERO status applies only to a very limited number of organisations (example: CERN). Due to a change of legal definitions in the transition from H2020 to Horizon Europe, this status became ‘undefined’ for all organisations. This lead to a blocking in the grant agreement preparation.

  Applicable solution:

A patch was applied on 20 January, setting the IERO status to ‘ No’ for the vast majority of organisations, thus unblocking the grant agreement preparation. For cases that cannot be corrected automatically, the Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR)  of the organisation (or one of the Account Administrators) has to modify the ‘International Organisation’ and ‘IERO’ attributes in the participant management module under the Funding & Tenders Portal.:

 Go to My Organisation -> legal information-> edit organisation, and set the fields for 'International Organisation' and 'International European Research Organisation' to the value ('yes' or 'no') applicable to your organisation.